北京招標(biāo)采購(gòu)網(wǎng):精細(xì)化工及原料工程項(xiàng)目渣油加氫等七套裝置高壓氣動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)閥采購(gòu)招標(biāo)公告:日期(Date):2024/7/31招標(biāo)人編號(hào)(TendereeNo.):42718-B-W-GJ-202405-038招標(biāo)代理機(jī)構(gòu)編號(hào)(TenderingAgentNo.):0618-244TC240P8621.中招國(guó)際招標(biāo)有限公司(招標(biāo)代理機(jī)構(gòu))受北方華錦聯(lián)合石化有限公司(招標(biāo)人)委托,以國(guó)際招標(biāo)方式邀請(qǐng)潛在投標(biāo)人就下列貨物和有關(guān)服務(wù)提交.." />



所在地區(qū): 北京-海淀- 發(fā)布日期: 2024年8月15日
招標(biāo)代理: “登錄”才能查看此項(xiàng)內(nèi)容。 招標(biāo)業(yè)主: “登錄”才能查看此項(xiàng)內(nèi)容。


招標(biāo)人編號(hào)(Tenderee No.):(略)

招標(biāo)代理機(jī)構(gòu)編號(hào)(Tendering Agent No.):(略)


Entrusted by North Huajin Refining and Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (Tenderee), China Cntc International Tendering Corporation (Tendering Agent) invites sealed bids by international bidding method from potential bidders for the supply of the following goods and related services:(略)

高壓氣動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)閥(略)臺(tái)。其中,渣油加氫裝置高壓氣動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)閥 (略) 臺(tái)、柴油加氫裂化裝置高壓氣動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)閥(略)臺(tái)、蠟油加氫裂化裝置高壓氣動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)閥(略)臺(tái)、汽油加氫裝置高壓氣動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)閥2臺(tái)、煤柴油加氫裝置高壓氣動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)閥(略)臺(tái)、焦化石腦油加氫裝置高壓氣動(dòng)調(diào)節(jié)閥(略)臺(tái)、(略)萬(wàn)噸/年高密度聚乙烯裝置GLOBE調(diào)節(jié)閥8臺(tái)。本項(xiàng)目共分2個(gè)標(biāo)包,標(biāo)包1:(略)

High pressure pneumatic control valve (略) sets. Among them, there are (略) high-pressure pneumatic control valves for residual oil hydrogenation unit, (略) high-pressure pneumatic control valves for diesel hydrogenation cracking unit, (略) high-pressure pneumatic control valves for wax oil hydrogenation cracking unit, 2 high-pressure pneumatic control valves for gasoline hydrogenation unit, (略) high-pressure pneumatic control valves for annual coal and diesel hydrogenation unit, (略) high-pressure pneumatic control valves for coking naphtha hydrogenation unit, and 8 GLOBE control valves for (略) tons/year high-density polyethylene unit. This project is divided into two packages, package 1:(略)


Potential bidders (who are interested in or invited) can obtain further information and access to the bidding documents from China Cntc International Tendering Corporation


Qualification Requirements to Bidders


The bidder has a valid business license (bidder registered within territory of People’s Republic of China)/ Incorpration Operating license document (bidder registered outside territory of People’s Republic of China), and a copy of the corresponding certificate is required;


Domestic manufacturers are required to provide the Special Equipment Production License of the People's Republic of China; Foreign manufacturers must provide special equipment type test certificates and the Special Equipment Production License of the People's Republic of China for the products they invest in;


The valve locator, explosion-proof solenoid valve, and limit switch in the bidding product must have a mandatory Chinese national product certification certificate

4) 標(biāo)包1業(yè)績(jī)要求:(略)

投標(biāo)人本次投標(biāo)所供產(chǎn)品自(略)年7月1日至投標(biāo)截止日前7日(以合同簽訂時(shí)間為準(zhǔn))須具有應(yīng)用于國(guó)內(nèi)渣油加氫(或渣油加氫裂化)和蠟油加氫(或蠟油加氫裂化)和柴油加氫(或柴油加氫裂化)裝置上的高壓氣動(dòng)角型調(diào)節(jié)閥各(略)臺(tái)及以上業(yè)績(jī)(每份業(yè)績(jī)合同中至少包含1臺(tái)口徑不低于4"、壓力等級(jí)不低于CL(略) RTJ的氣動(dòng)角型調(diào)節(jié)閥,且上述業(yè)績(jī)中須包含1臺(tái)口徑不低于6"、壓力等級(jí)不低于CL(略) RTJ高壓氣動(dòng)多級(jí)降壓角型調(diào)節(jié)閥)。


投標(biāo)人本次投標(biāo)所供產(chǎn)品自(略)年7月1日至投標(biāo)截止日前7日(以合同簽訂時(shí)間為準(zhǔn))須具有應(yīng)用于國(guó)內(nèi)渣油加氫(或渣油加氫裂化)和蠟油加氫(或蠟油加氫裂化)和柴油加氫(或柴油加氫裂化)裝置上高壓氣動(dòng)GLOBE調(diào)節(jié)閥各(略)臺(tái)及以上業(yè)績(jī)(每份業(yè)績(jī)合同中至少包含1臺(tái)口徑不低于8"、壓力等級(jí)不低于CL(略)RTJ的氣動(dòng)GLOBE調(diào)節(jié)閥,且上述業(yè)績(jī)中須包含1臺(tái)口徑不低于(略)"、壓力等級(jí)不低于CL(略) RTJ和1臺(tái)口徑不低于(略)"、壓力等級(jí)不低于CL(略) RTJ氣動(dòng)GLOBE調(diào)節(jié)閥)。


Performance requirements for Package 1:(略)

The bidder shall provide (略) or more high-pressure pneumatic angle control valves for domestic residual oil hydrogenation (or residual oil hydrocracking), wax oil hydrogenation (or wax oil hydrocracking), and diesel hydrogenation (or diesel hydrocracking) units from July 1, (略) to 7 days before the bidding deadline (based on the date of contract signing). Each performance contract shall include at least 1 pneumatic angle control valve with a diameter of not less than 4 "and a pressure rating of not less than CL(略) RTJ, and the above performance shall include 1 high-pressure pneumatic multi-stage pressure reduction control angle valve with a diameter of not less than 6" and a pressure rating of not less than CL(略) RTJ.

Performance requirements for Package 2:(略)

The products supplied by the bidder for this bidding must have performance from July 1, (略) to 7 days before the bidding deadline (based on the contract signing time), with (略) or more high-pressure pneumatic GLOBE control valves applied to domestic residual oil hydrogenation (or residual oil hydrocracking), wax oil hydrogenation (or wax oil hydrocracking), and diesel hydrogenation (or diesel hydrocracking) units. Each performance contract must include at least 1 pneumatic GLOBE control valve with a diameter of no less than 8 "and a pressure level of no less than CL(略)RTJ, and the above performance must include 1 pneumatic GLOBE control valve with a diameter of no less than (略)" and a pressure level of no less than CL(略) RTJ, and 1 pneumatic GLOBE control valve with a diameter of no less than (略). The pressure level shall not be lower than CL(略) RTJ pneumatic GLOBE regulating valve.

Scanned copies of the sales contract (including stamped pages of both parties, project name, goods name, supply quantity, and signing date page) and signed versions of the technical agreement (which should reflect the device name and supply list) must be provided. Failure to provide or incomplete information in accordance with the above requirements requires other supporting materials, otherwise it will be considered invalid performance.


This project does not accept consortium bidding.


The project accepts agent bid; and meet the requirements of the commitment letter (see Annex (略) of the format of the commitment letter in the bidding documents).

A manufacturer for the same brand of the same type of equipment, only one agent can be commissioned to participate in the bidding.


Whether you can participate in the bidding without purchasing the bidding documents:(略)


Potential bidders (interested or invited) can register at the required network (https:(略)


For Project Inquiry And Bidding Documents Purchase:(略)


Contact person:(略)



Bank Name:(略)

美元賬號(hào)(Account No. for USD):(略)

6. 投標(biāo)人在投標(biāo)前應(yīng)在必聯(lián)網(wǎng)(https:(略)

The bidder shall complete the registration and information verification on the required network (https:(略)

7. 招標(biāo)人名稱(chēng):(略)

Name of Tenderee:(略)


Address of Tenderee:(略)



Contact person:(略)



Name of Bidding Agency:(略)


Address of Bidding Agency:(略)


Contact person:(略)




注冊(cè)會(huì)員 享受貼心服務(wù)



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